30 Years Experience
#1 Supplier
in Region
Best in the

About Atlasco
Atlasco Egypt Group is a leading holding engineering company and equipment supplier that offers a diverse portfolio of engineering equipment and professional services. These services include condition monitoring, reliability service contracts and technical trainings that are based on more than 30 years of experience in the Egyptian market. Our advanced technologies and solutions earned the trust and loyalty of our clients in the manufacturing and medical industries. Atlasco represents a number of key international companies.
Why Choose Atlasco
Atlasco Egypt’s maintenance system is the most reliable and effective program in the country. Certified in the Special Tools and Condition Restoring Systems made in the Netherlands and Sweden respectively, Atlasco Egypt can accurately diagnose and repair any machine, brand, or problem. From one industry to the next, Atlasco Egypt rapidly diversified into the medical field and began providing numerous governmental and private hospitals with the General Medical Gas Systems that have saved unnecessary expenses and, most importantly, lives.